Adaptive Case Management (ACM) in BPM: Handling Unpredictable Tasks and Complementing Traditional Approaches


Business Process Management (BPM) has long been a popular approach for streamlining and optimizing business processes. However, as organizations face increasingly complex and unpredictable tasks, Adaptive Case Management (ACM) is emerging as a complementary approach to traditional business process management. This article explores the growing importance of ACM in handling unpredictable tasks and how it complements traditional BPM approaches.

What is Adaptive Case Management (ACM)?

ACM is an approach to managing work cases with the help of software, supporting work that requires specialized knowledge and execution by applying structure to knowledge work. Unlike business process management, which focuses on well-defined processes with predefined outcomes and preset rules, ACM offers dynamic process automation and is more flexible to handle processes that are extremely likely to run into exceptions with multiple varying actors.

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The Need for ACM in Today's Business Environment

Modern businesses are increasingly dealing with unpredictable tasks and complex decision-making processes. These tasks often involve multiple stakeholders, require context-driven assignments, and are subject to frequent changes. Traditional BPM approaches may struggle to handle such tasks effectively, as they are designed for more structured and repetitive processes.

ACM addresses these challenges by allowing users to adjust certain aspects of case workflows as needed, providing a more flexible and adaptive approach to managing complex tasks. This adaptability makes ACM particularly suitable for organizations dealing with a lot of variability and unpredictable events.

How ACM Complements Traditional BPM Approaches

  1. Identify the areas where ACM is needed: Analyze your organization’s processes to determine where unpredictable and complex tasks are present. These are the areas where ACM can be most beneficial in complementing your existing BPM system.
  2. Choose the right technology: Select an ACM solution that can be easily integrated with your existing BPM system. Some BPM platforms already offer built-in ACM capabilities, while others may require additional integration efforts.
  3. Define the case structure: Create a case structure that includes the necessary information, processes, tasks, rules, and services required for managing unpredictable tasks. This structure should be flexible enough to accommodate changes and exceptions during the execution of tasks.
  4. Enable collaboration: Ensure that your ACM solution supports collaboration between knowledge workers, allowing them to share information and make decisions collectively. This can enhance the overall effectiveness of your BPM initiatives.
  5. Leverage advanced technologies: Integrate advanced technologies, such as AI, machine learning, and process mining, into your ACM solution to further optimize processes and improve decision-making.
  6. Implement dynamic workflows: Incorporate dynamic workflows into your ACM solution, allowing knowledge workers to choose actions and make decisions based on the specific context of each case.
  7. Monitor and analyze performance: Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of your ACM solution to identify areas for improvement and ensure that it is effectively complementing your BPM system1.
  8. Train and support employees: Provide training and support to employees who will be using the ACM solution, ensuring that they understand how to effectively manage unpredictable tasks and collaborate with their colleagues.
  9. Establish governance and best practices: Develop governance policies and best practices for using ACM in conjunction with your BPM system, ensuring that both approaches are effectively integrated and aligned with your organization’s overall process management strategy.
  10. Continuously improve and adapt: Regularly review and update your ACM solution to ensure that it remains effective in managing unpredictable tasks and continues to complement your BPM system as your organization’s needs evolve.

By following these steps, organizations can successfully integrate ACM with their existing BPM systems, allowing them to effectively manage a wide range of tasks and processes while enhancing flexibility, collaboration, and overall efficiency.

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As businesses face increasingly complex and unpredictable tasks, Adaptive Case Management (ACM) is emerging as a valuable approach to complement traditional BPM. By combining the strengths of both approaches, organizations can effectively manage a wide range of tasks and processes, enhancing flexibility, collaboration, and overall efficiency. As the business landscape continues to evolve, it is crucial for organizations to adopt a holistic approach to process management that incorporates both ACM and BPM to stay competitive and agile.

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EOSGlobe is a leading business process management organisation that strives to provide high quality services focusing on exceptional customer experience and digital technological innovation. EOSGlobe is committed to becoming a value-driven organisation with the highest standard of services to their customers. With an exceptional team having rich domain expertise and robust digital solutions, helps businesses to transform their futuristic goals into reality. It aims for strategic partnerships with its global clientele to build a culture of innovation and business transformation at cost effective rates and with more productivity.

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