How HR Outsourcing Can Help Your Business Scale Effectively and Grow Faster 

Share Effective human capital management is pivotal to organizational success. HR departments have evolved from mere administrative functions to strategic business partners, influencing everything from employee engagement to organizational performance. However, the increasing complexity of HR demands can divert resources away from core business operations.  To maintain focus on strategic

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Level Up Your Customer Service: The Essential Guide to IVR Systems 

Share A customer’s journey often starts with a phone call.  Interactive Voice Response (IVR) systems have long been the gatekeepers of these journeys, greeting callers and directing them through menus of options.  However, the traditional IVR experience can be a frustrating maze, leaving customers feeling lost and unheard. But the

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Top 7 Essential Features of Call Center Software 

Share Consider this scenario – there’s a long queue of calls that just keeps growing. On top of it, each interaction in the queue necessitates juggling multiple applications to access customer data, product details, and internal resources. This cumbersome process translates to extended hold times, frustrated callers, and ultimately, a

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Stuck in HR Limbo? 5 Signs You Need an HR Outsourcing Partner 

Share Stuck in an endless loop of recruitment paperwork? Tangled in the ever-changing web of employment laws and regulations? Constantly fielding employee relations questions?   If this sounds like your average workday, you’re not alone. HR professionals are often stretched thin, juggling a multitude of critical tasks while regulations and best

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Complete Guide on Call Abandonment Rate in a Call Center 

Share Numerous metrics compete for your attention in the daily hustle of call center management. But what is that metric that simultaneously reveals customer frustration and potential resource strain within your call center?    The answer lies in a crucial indicator known as call abandonment rate. This call center KPI signifies

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Top 6 Skills Every Call Center Agent Should Possess

Top 6 Skills Every Call Center Agent Should Possess

Share Call centers are the heart of customer service operations. They’re the first line of contact for countless inquiries, complaints, and requests.  In an era where customer experience reigns supreme, skilled call center agents play a critical role in building positive experiences.  These agents are the bridge between your company

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4 Common Call Center Challenges and Strategies to Fix Them

Share Call centers are often at the frontlines of customer service. Given their pivotal role in customer service, call centers must remain vigilant in identifying and resolving common challenges. Even top-performing call centers encounter obstacles that can hinder their service quality. Call centers and contact center environments can be stressful,

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7 Call Center Best Practices for Exceptional Customer Service

Share As customer service takes the spotlight, call centers have emerged as indispensable pillars of support. The Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report 2023 noted a significant increase of 73% in customer service requests in the past year. In response to this escalating demand, effective call center management is crucial. While

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Call Center Workforce Management Explained

Share Consider a typical day at a call center. 30 agents are deployed to handle an average of 50 calls each. However, the agents find themselves inundated with an additional 20 calls per person. How can you manage this sudden surge in calls without compromising customer experience? This scenario encapsulates

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Call Center vs. Contact Center: Exploring 6 Key Differences

Share Do you need a call center or contact center for your business?  Call centers and contact centers are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same.  There are key differences that you should know before diving into your customer service strategy. Understanding the difference between a call center

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Top 10 BPO Call Center KPIs to Drive Better Performance

Share What gets measured gets improved.  The practice of measuring and tracking performance is not new. From the ancient Chinese Wei Dynasty’s royal performance assessments to Robert Owen’s pioneering techniques in 19th-century Scottish cotton mills, it has deep historical roots. Over time, this concept evolved alongside accounting and management practices,

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Inbound vs. Outbound Call Centers: Definition and Key Differences

Share Meaningful customer communication lies at the heart of creating customer relationships. Recognizing this fundamental principle, call centers play a pivotal role in facilitating these interactions. Depending on the type of calls, agents at a call center must adapt their approach accordingly. Handling incoming calls demands empathy and understanding, whereas

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All You Need to Know about Call Centers

Share Call centers are often at the frontlines of a business – interacting with customers and shaping the brand image of the company. When you provide great customer service that gets people talking, customers are more likely to recommend your business.  On the other hand, even one negative service experience

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What is BPO? BPO Meaning, Benefits, and Importance

Share Let’s rewind to the turn of the century – the year 2000. As it marked the beginning of a new millennium, people were filled with excitement and anticipation. But soon the excitement was replaced with anxiety because of the Y2K bug. Many experts were panicking because the computer systems

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2024 BPM Trends: Charting a Course for Business Transformation

Share Change is the only constant in modern business and organizations always find themselves navigating a dynamic sea of challenges and opportunities. Much like the ebb and flow of tides, enterprises strive to maintain a sense of order and direction amid the state of perpetual flux. Business Process Management (BPM)

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BPO Trends Shaping the Future of Call Centers in 2024

Share While 2023 saw businesses grappling with global economic challenges, the BPO sector demonstrated growth and resiliency. There was a surge in call volume related to financial concerns and service disruptions as people sought assistance with issues on account management, billing, and more. The BPO sector rose to the occasion,

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4 HR Trends and Priorities for 2024

Share As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to reflect on what shaped our workplaces and plan for what lies ahead. The headlines have been filled with stories of significant layoffs, especially in the tech world, leaving employees feeling uncertain about their work environments. Another prevalent theme

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5 Customer Service Trends to Watch in 2024

Share From ancient customer complaints etched on clay tablets to the personalized support services available today, customer service has taken a long and arduous journey. Despite the technological leaps and shifts in communication channels, the essence of excellent customer service remains the same – empathy and an unwavering commitment to

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Navigating Evolving Healthcare Landscape with BPM

Share The healthcare industry is in the midst of a major transformation. Patients are no longer content with merely receiving passive care; they now expect a higher level of engagement and personalized services from their healthcare providers. In the past, patients would have received standard treatment plans and periodic check-ups.

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BPM for Banking: Empowering Banks with Better CX and Personalization

Share In the not-so-distant past, a visit to a bank involved long lines, mountains of paperwork, and limited options for managing your finances. Today, the banking landscape has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to technology and evolving customer expectations. The comparison between the banking experience of yesteryears and the modern

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Green BPM: Paving the Way Towards a Sustainable Enterprise

Share As we approach COP28, the pursuit of sustainability and transition to a net-zero enterprise is slowly taking precedence for enterprises all over the world. They are trying to achieve a balance between minimizing their environmental impact and maximizing efficiency. Organizations are actively investing in tools and technologies that will

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Harnessing the Power of BPM to Improve Manufacturing Agility

Share Manufacturers face constant pressure to adapt to changing market conditions, meet customer demands, and comply with evolving regulatory requirements. To thrive in this dynamic environment, manufacturing companies need to be agile, responsive, and efficient. They need to explore innovative strategies to enhance their operations and foster sustainable growth. Embracing

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11 Best Practices for Managing Distributed Teams in a Global BPM Model

Share In today’s globalized business environment, managing distributed teams has become a crucial aspect of Business Process Management (BPM). As companies increasingly rely on outsourcing and remote workforces, the need for effective collaboration, communication, and alignment among distributed teams has become more critical than ever. This article explores best practices

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India: The Undisputed Champion in the IT-BPM Global Services Arena

Share In the fast-paced, technology-driven world of information technology and business process management (IT-BPM), global organizations continuously seek the perfect geographical locations for their operations. Navigating this dynamic landscape requires a keen understanding of the global workforce, technological advancements, and geopolitical influences. Among the potential destinations, one country has persistently

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The Role of Business Process Management in Ensuring Regulatory Compliance and Risk Mitigation: A New Paradigm for Enterprise Success

Share In the rapidly evolving business landscape, risk management and regulatory compliance are not merely check-box exercises; they are fundamental pillars that uphold the integrity, profitability, and sustainability of every organization. An unexpected but powerful ally in this critical endeavor is Business Process Management (BPM). Through BPM, organizations can leverage

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BPM and Agile Methodologies: Exploring the Synergy

Share In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly seeking ways to improve project management, increase collaboration, and enhance flexibility. Two methodologies that have gained significant traction in recent years are Business process management (BPM) and Agile. While BPM focuses on optimizing and streamlining business processes, Agile emphasizes iterative and

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The Why, What and How tos of measuring BPM impact

Share Improvement is indispensable for any product, service or infrastructure. While most businesses understand that, how often are improvement measures undertaken?  Say you run a business. You have realized that your business processes can perform better with a few adjustments here and there. In lieu of that, you have implemented

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Analyzing challenges and leveraging opportunities: an insurance conundrum

Share Over the past few years, the insurance industry has experienced an influx of opportunities. However, they are not free from consequences. In the face of post-pandemic fervour, most businesses turned to technology for navigating emerging physical limitations. What arose was a connected insurance infrastructure, backed by AI-enabled claims processing

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Design Thinking and BPM: The Winning Combination for User-Friendly Processes

Share As BPM professionals, you are constantly seeking innovative approaches to improve your business processes, increase efficiency, and enhance customer satisfaction. One emerging trend that is gaining momentum in the business world is the combination of design thinking and business process management (BPM). This unique combination creates more user-friendly processes

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The role of AI-Integrated BPMS Solutions in Driving Business Success

Share As workflows grow complex, businesses need a comprehensive end-to-end solution that can easily streamline processes to get optimum results. The objective of a modern business process management system (BPMS) is just that. In fact, Forrester’s research with their clients employing BPM shows that BPM projects increase productivity by 30-50%. A comprehensive BPMS comprises various BPM

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How should you take advantage of BPO for Banking & Financial Services?

Share Since banking and finance industry is shifting its approach from conventional to digital, various organizations have been going through multiple challenges, such as making the transformation smoother, managing risks, saving costs, and more. What if your organization’s day-to-day functions get outsourced and processed in a better way?  Availing of

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Top 8 Useful Digitalization Trends in the BPM Industry for 2023

Share Automation is the democratizer of BPM industry. Business Process Management (BPM), blended with a cutting-edge automation technology, plays a significant role in ensuring companies open the doors for much larger audience that can avail their products and services.   Digitalization can bring significant benefits to the BPM industry by improving

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Back Office Support

Key Benefits of Back Office Support During Peak Holiday Season

Share With the surge in customer demands, there is an urge to fulfill customer satisfaction during holidays. By bringing a stellar back office support to your organization, you can satisfy customer needs by at least 50%. Moreover, in order to get firm assistance for your day-to-day business operations, you need

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Omnichannel Strategy

B2B Market, Holiday Season & Omnichannel Strategy

Share There is a consistent, noticeable shift in the customer expectations of B2B enterprises. This has empowered B2B companies to offer personalized and tech-oriented solutions. Since the holiday season is on a roll, implementing a solid omnichannel strategy will retain an average of 82% of their clients. Moreover, the companies would

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